This is my last newsletter message and I am using it to thank all of you for making this the BEST ROTARY DISTRICT IN THE UNIVERSE!! 
Together, we are growing!   we are giving!  and we are serving!  I could not ask for a better group of servant leaders than the members of the Clubs of District 5650! 
I am so thankful and humbled to be part of this group!!
I have enjoyed my time as your District Governor more than I can express.  I am grateful for all the great Rotarians I have met and the new friends I have made while visiting all the clubs. 
It is so fitting that June is Rotary Fellowship Month.  Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.  I have learned about many of the fellowships that our members are part of, and even joined a few!  Just another benefit to meeting so many new people
Click this link to learn how you can join a Rotary Fellowship!
Yours in Rotary, Kathryn
Kathryn Schubert, DG
Rotary District 5650
Omaha Suburban Rotary
Yours in Rotary, Kathryn
Kathryn Schubert, DG
Rotary District 5650
Omaha Suburban Rotary
Yours in Rotary, Kathryn
Kathryn Schubert, DG
Rotary District 5650
Omaha Suburban Rotary