June 5, 2023 - deadline for comments on the Budget
June 9, 2023 - deadline for voting delegates to register
Jun 13, 2023 - District 5650 Annual Business Meeting - 7:00 PM via Zoom
Jun 13, 2023 - District 5650 Annual Business Meeting - 7:00 PM via Zoom
The annual meeting of Rotary District 5650 will be held June 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM by Zoom.
Voting Delegates have been selected by the Club Boards and will be active participants in the meeting.
If you wish to observe only click here to go to the Rotary District 5650 Facebook Page and view on Facebook Live.
Per emails sent to clubs:
We need you to complete the following actions no later than May 8th. This is in preparation for the Annual Meeting on June 13, 2023 at 7pm via zoom:
- Select your delegates
Each Club will have the opportunity to select, certify, and send to the Annual Meeting at least one elector. Any Club with a membership of more than 25 Rotarians will be entitled to one additional elector for each additional 25, or major fraction (more than half) thereof, of its members. The membership of each Club will be determined as of July 1, 2022.
As a club, you need to select your delegates and submit them to Nicki, our District Executive Secretary, exec@rotarydistrict5650.org.
- Nominate someone to the District Board
Also, as a club, you may nominate an at-large board member to the Rotary District 5650 Board. Your nominee needs to be a past president of your club. Nominations come from the Board of your Club – one nominee per club. All past presidents in good standing are eligible, including those in District Leadership positions (as long as they are not currently on the District Board).
We have 3 at-large board members: one for small clubs (under 26 members), medium clubs (26-76 members), and large clubs (more than 76 members).
The District Board is responsible for the strategic plan, financial statements, manual of policies and procedures, the district leadership plan, and anything else the District Governor needs them to do! See more in the District By-Laws on the Directory page of the District Website (click here).
Submit the name (and brief bio) of your nominee to Nicki, our District Administrator, exec@rotarydistrict5650.org. The District will vote on the nominees and select the Board Members at the Annual Meeting.
- Review the budget
PDG Gary Bren, District Treasurer, emailed the budget last week out to all Rotarians. Please review and offer any questions, comments, or concerns. This budget will be up for approval at the Annual Meeting.
Full list of important dates:
May 8, 2023 - deadline to submit names of voting delegates (registration link will be sent to delegates)
May 8, 2023 - deadline to nominate District Board-At-Large Members
June 5, 2023 - deadline for comments on the Budget
June 9, 2023 - deadline for voting delegates to register
Jun 13, 2023 - District 5650 Annual Business Meeting - 7:00 PM via Zoom
Jun 13, 2023 - District 5650 Annual Business Meeting - 7:00 PM via Zoom