Rotary District 5650 formed a Foundation for supporting Clubs and Members with charitable activities. Through February, the Rotary International District 5650 Foundation will accept donates to support the victims of the California wildfires.
The following email was sent earlier this month to Club Presidents & Executive Directors:
Good afternoon. I am reaching out to you in regards to the impact the fires are having in California.
As you know, after the tornadoes impacted our areas in Iowa and Nebraska, our district leaders created a 501C3 foundation to allow Rotarians from our district, and from districts around the country, to make tax deductible donations that could then be sent where they are most needed.
We have had some clubs in our district use the foundation in their fundraising efforts to support projects in their own communities.
We have had inquiries about how we can support those affected by the tragic fires in California. We are able to use our foundation to collect donations that we will then forward to the District 5300 Foundation, that encompasses regions in Southern California and Southern Nevada, to support disaster relief in their communities.
I would encourage you, as club leaders, to promote giving within your clubs to help in those efforts. Consider donating your happy dollars or member fines to support our Rotarians in need or ask your members to make a donation to support these efforts. We will run this campaign through the month of February. Please consider collecting donations from your members, then writing one check to:
Rotary International District 5650 Foundation
Attention: Frank Goldberg, District 5650 Foundation Treasurer
13031 Marinda St.
Omaha, NE 68144
Members can also direct personal donations to the foundation as well. This request is entirely voluntary and all donations are tax deductible with 100% of the proceeds going to support the disaster relief efforts in District 5300.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (402) 960-0306.
We truly are People of Action!
Your in Rotary,
Tom Kerfoot
District Governor
District 5650