Here's an idea -- use Rotary's Fellowships as a way to enhance Rotary's Public Image and recruit members for your club. Take a look at the list of Rotary Fellowships and chances are you have friends interested in one or more of those areas.
Here's just a partial list for your review. I encourage you to go online and look at the entire list. You'll be amazed.
•      Authors,
•      Badminton,
•      Magicians,
•      Bees,
•      Mental Wellness,
•      Caravanning,
•      Metaverse,
•      Entrepreneurship
•      Skiing
•      Global Development
•      Wine
•      Yachting, and
•      Kites
You can find four social media posts about Rotary Fellowships and graphics to go with them in this folder:
Randy Bretz
District 5650 Public Image Chair