It is a new Rotary Year - and time to use the new theme logo. There are other versions available at (click here). And for those that have a ClubRunner subscription, the image is in your image library.
You should not be using any theme logo from previous years on your websites, newsletters, flyers, etc.
We have been advised not to use the theme logo on Facebook - the public should only see our standard Rotary brand.
The link above includes the download files for the logo as well as branding guidelines -proper use and incorrect use. Here are a few samples of incorrect use:
And remember to use the compliant Rotary logo - we are no longer to use the two-tone Rotary Wheel on anything. Our logo is always to have the word Rotary on the left and the mark of excellence to the right created using the Brand Center. That is the only way to get the compliant colors, spacing, alignment and font.
Use the Brand Center at to create logos for your club and events.Visit the Brand Center for all brand guidelines - the Rotary Logo, Logos for your Club and the Theme Logo. Some correct logos:
Here are some samples of non-compliant logos (logos are not to include any other images, substitute the rotary wheel into zeros or O's, etc.):