Get ready to ignite your enthusiasm and amplify your impact! We are thrilled to invite you to our highly anticipated Fusion 5650 District Conference, where incredible opportunities await to connect, collaborate, and contribute to our shared vision of making a difference.
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month for Rotary. As I am visiting clubs in our district, it is fantastic to see the number of clubs that are recognizing students for academic achievement, giving out dictionaries to grade schoolers and awarding scholarships to high school seniors to help support our next generation of leaders.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) events take place all over the country - and now we have one of these life-changing events right here in Eastern Nebraska! Get this information to interested high school students - application deadline is September 13.
District 5630 and 5650 Rotary Youth Exchange again held a joint orientation for the incoming students at the Nebraska Youth Camp in Kearney August 23-25.
Calling all District 5650 Rotarians, spouses and families. Please join me next June 21-25,2025 at Stampede Park, in Calgary, Canada located in the Canadian Rockies for Rotary's 116th convention.
The new Lincoln East High School Interact Club, sponsored by Lincoln South Rotary, held their first meeting on August 21 with a number of students and support personnel in attendance.
Anna Singharath (far left in photo), the 2024-25 Global Grants Scholar from Rotary District 5650, arrived to begin her studies at Sciences Po Bordeaux (University of Bordeaux, site of Pessac).
If you are a travel agent and an active member of a Rotary Club in District 5650, we would like to give you the opportunity to advertise your Rotary International Convention trips on the District 5650 website - International Convention page (click here).
To see the article on the District Website about the Monthly Focus for Rotary, including some resources, click here.
Rotary has created a calendar that includes a monthly focus. This provides a guide for Clubs to use to help members understand the programs of Rotary and the Areas of Focus for our causes.
Tom Kerfoot of the Omaha Suburban Rotary Club is Governor for 2024-25 for Rotary District 5650. His term begins July 1, 2024.
Click here for a downloadable copy of Tom's Bio and Introduction Notes.
Click here for Tom's Club Visit Schedule
Listen to our District members tell their Rotary story and express how they value their membership.
Visit the Spotlight on Rotary Clubs page (click here) on the District Website to keep up with club activities and read news stories.
Follow our District on Facebook.
And use the Club Directory and Contacts on the left of this page to find club websites.
We periodically hear about events that may be of interest to Rotarians that are not coordinated by our District or a Club in our District. These could be from anywhere in the world. We will share their invitations and ideas here. Stories without specific dates are listed at the end of the article.
For more stories, see My District Page